Saturday, July 30, 2016


Jade just came up to me and said mommy Jack's so fun to play with now! Lately they've finally figured out how to play together and have fun. They spend hours playing house, giggling and laughing. Music to my ears👫❤️ Now I've gotta go and hide in the underground tunnel with all the stuffed animals. Apparently a tornado is coming😀

Pool Party Every day

We really love our pool. If it's up to Jade, we'd be there all day every day. This summer she figured out how to swim without a life vest, how to sit at the bottom of the pool, how to do a cannon ball, and how to swim underwater. Who needs swimming lessons? :-) We also loved our annual community pool party. They even rented an ice cream truck for all-you-can-eat summer treats :-) 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Gymnastics Classes for Both Kids

Jack wanted to join jade and take gymnastics class this summer. However, being an introvert, he spent the whole 6 weeks sitting there and watching everyone else :-( He finally warmed up the last week of class :-) Good times. 
Jade on the other hand loved her classes. We're trying to see if she'll continue with gymnastics or try something else this fall. 


Emily is a little girl with Robinow Syndrome. She and her mom Elizabeth came here from Taxas for surgeries. I was Elizabeth's visiting teacher, and the kids have become good friends with the little girl. We went out playing a lot and babysat her a lot. We also went to visit her at the Ronald-McDonald House where they were staying. Our ward had a RS activity making fixiator covers for the hospital she's having surgeries in. 
It's been a great opportunity for the kids to get to know Emily and get to love her. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th

We had a fun July 4th weekend, despite the fact that we didn't get to see the fireworks in DC due to heavy rain. Here're some highlights. 
We met up with some friends from daddy's work at the zoo.
We went on a run/walk on our favorite trail. 
Got Shaved ice from a local shop. 
Went to the pool.
Had our own firework show. Jack was so excited this year for sparklers :-) 
Roasted marshmallows on the stove :-)