Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

This is the first Thanksgiving we spent outside UT. We missed having a house full of Chinese. But we had a good time with our friends here in Baltimore. It snowed about an inch the day before Thanksgiving. Daddy had to go to the hospital, and Jack went to his little play group with Vivienne and Rosie. Jade and I stayed home and made pies. Sadly the snow didn't stay, and we didn't get to make a snowman. 
We had Thanksgiving dinner at the Stoddards. I was in charge of making the turkey. Between brining and cooking it in a bag, the turkey was done in a little under 2 hours, which is 2 hours earlier than planned. So we ended up eating at 12 instead of 2. Good to remember for next year. 
The day after Thanksgiving, we put up the Christmas tree. Daddy and Jade made a hanging countdown calendar before Santa brings all the gifts. T-26!! 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Daddy grew a beard

I was put in charge of the Movember fundraiser for the Men in Nursing club at school. I grew a beard to support the cause (I also donated $$$). I look good with a beard :)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Little Moments

Moments like this make all the hard times worth it. 
They love each other!

Jack's Allergy

About 6 months ago, Jack licked Jade's spoon that had some leftover peanut butter on. He threw up shortly after and had a rah on his tummy. It didn't get any worse. 
A couple of days ago, Jade and I were cracking open roasted peanuts and eating them. Jack is usually not interested in peanuts, but he somehow popped half in his mouth. He chewed a little bit, but he didn't like it, so he started to spit everything out. I helped him get most of it out. But a couple minutes later, his lips got swollen and red around his lips. I panicked and called daddy, who's in class. He calmed me down and told me to give him Benadryl. I wasn't thinking straight and gave him a Tbsp instead of a tsp. I freaked out and daddy told me to call Poison Control. They told me it's within a safe range. He'll just sleep it off. He slept for an hour, woke up, and threw up. Then he went back to sleep, for 4 hours. When he woke up, he was happy and all normal again. 
Poor guy, no more peanuts!

Pre-Thanksgiving Activities

  1. Jack started a playgroup with Vivienne and Rosie, two little girls his age. I usually drop him off and leave him there for an hour and half. He's getting really good at staying without me. He only cries for a few seconds, and then he's okay. 
  2. Jade got over her shyness at Ballet and doesn't need me to stay with her in the room any more. 
  3. Primary Activity Days: Pilgrim Turkey and a Thankful Tree
  4. Pre-school: Craft Turkey
  5. Ivy's Frozen Birthday Party
  6. Jade on a rop swing

Bowling in Baltimore

We went bowling with Daddy's classmates at downtown Baltimore. It's called Duck Bowling because the ball is smaller than the normal one, which worked out great for the kids. We had so much fun! 

October coming to an End

Rainy Day 

Jack loves playing in the car.

Jade took these pictures for us. She's not a bad photographer for a 4-year old.   

I wish they didn't love me so much to want to be with me everywhere and all the time. 

A very late night.  No one's even tired. 

Jack's favorite toy in the whole world: daddy's little screwdrivers. 

Happy Birthday to Mommy from Daddy! My kitchen is now complete. 

So cute!

I love having a girly girl! 
At the library with her best friend. 
New PJs for handsome Jack.