Monday, May 12, 2008

Earthquake Day

You might have heard there was a 7.8 earthquake in a province southern China at 2:28pm yesterday. At about 2:40pm we were in a meeting on the 35th floor of a skyscraper in Shanghai (about 1000 miles away), everyone in the room started to feel very dizzy. We soon realized that the building was actually moving. Along with thousands of other people we ran down the stairs. When we got down we saw that some of the other buildings had emptied, but not all of them...which was odd. Rumors quickly spread that it wasn't an earthquake but the government had simulated a terrorist attack by pumping gas into the buildings to make us dizzy (lol, people are funny).

So far the news says that there are 10,000 expected dead, and at least 900 kids injured and possibly dead in a collapsed high school along with more kids in 2 other collapsed schools (who's building these schools!?).

Just want everyone to know that we're okay. I was so glad John and I were together when it happened. Cellphones were all out of service. I couldn't have possibly got in touch with him if we weren't together. We had a little taste of what it was like when the Twin Towers were hit. It made us so grateful to get out of there safely.

We're sad about people in Sichuan. Please be prayerful about them.

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