Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tiger Girl 虎妞

The idea of becoming a mother hasn't hit me until I heard the strong heart-beat of the baby today! OMG, we are REALLY going to have a baby!! The ultrasound shows that the baby is about 1cm long from head to butt, really healthy. One centimeter! That's about the size of my finger nail. This little thing has turned her healthy, active mother into a sick, inactive blob.

The doctor called this phase "the Blah Phrase", which is a very true reflection of my life right now.

-"Honey, you wanna go out?"

-"You wanna eat something?"

-"You wanna dress up and go for a walk?"

-"You wanna do the dishes?"

-"You wanna cook?"

All the bad feelings aside, I am grateful for the signals the baby's sending me. It's her way to let me know she's there, she is growing, and she needs some attention.

Bring it on, Tiger Girl~~


  1. Congratulations! Sherry and John!

    What will you do if it is a Tiger BOY?



  2. Congrats! That is the best news I've heard all day! When are you due?

  3. Beth, I think we'll take a boy as well. It's just that we can't think of any boy's name we like :-)

    Erica, I'm due August 4th, a couple months after you :-)

  4. Wohoo! Look at that cute little bean. Awww.
