Sunday, March 20, 2011

jade's new tricks

One of the fun things of having a kid is to experience the joy of learning. Everyday Jade learns something new and we get to be happy with her. Here are a few things she's learned lately.

1. standing up in her crib. Now jade can usually fall asleep on her own after we rock her for a little bit and put her in her crib with her teddy bear. The other night, I put her down as usual and she wasn't making any noise. I went in to check on her to make sure she's covered and saw her doing this: standing up in her crib. I almost screamed, happy and scared. Happy that my little girl learned a new trick, but scared that she could've fallen out. Guess we've gotta lower the mattress now :-)

#2. Driving :-) Daddy went to the chiropractor the other day and jade waited in the car with mommy and learned how to turn the wheel :-) 

#3. finding toys in her toy box. She loves crawling on the floor in her room and dump all the toys out and play with each one of them. It's great that she can entertain herself. 
#4. eating oranges. One day I gave her an orange to suck on. Usually she can't get to it. But this time she actually ate half of it. John keeps telling me no fruit, vegies first. I don't think it'll be a problem, She'll love both :-) 
#5. getting into her laundry basket. I love how she always gets in but can't get out. She would roll around in it and eventually get frustrated and scream for help.
#6. playing with daddy's face. she really plays hard with John's face. This one time she scratched right under his eye and it almost bled. daddy cried about it for the whole evening :-)
#7. being social. jade's such a little social butterfly. she smiles and "talks" to people in church. today we were sitting next to two ladies in church. jade got tired of us and went over to play with the ladies and had lots of fun. Daddy thinks "we're like her old toys. she gets tired of us sometimes :-)"

#8. getting big. Her head is getting so big that the hats I made for her no longer fit. But she's still so cute in it :-) 

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