Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Bye bye, my 20s!

It didn't hit me until I saw on my new housing contract the BIG 30 in the space where an age was needed . I screamed for a total of 5 seconds before John stopped me. To be honest, I don't feel any older mentally or physically, but the sight of 30 somehow freaks me out.

I ask myself, "Have I completed my mission in life so far? Am I happy with my life right now?" The answer is a definite YES, well, with one small flaw. With one and a half master's degree in hand, I have finished my education; I have a job that I love; I have enough friends to keep me company; I have a comfortable apartment where I can cook and relax and be away from the noisy world; I have a great calling in church; I have a nice car (and a driver); I have healthy parents (including in-laws); I have family (cousins) close to me.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have a HUSBAND who's loving, spiritual, fun, smart, , considerate, goal-oriented, hard-working, cuddling (sometimes :P), and HANDSOME like nobody else!!

ALSO I know a plan that will take me safely back home to my Heavenly Father!

All I need right now is....................................... a BABY!! So baby project starts............RIGHT NOW :-)

p.s. Birthday keywords: red lobster, Victoria's Secret, Scrapbooking, flowers, cake, family, friends, AND lots of LOVE!!!


  1. Happy birthday!! It sounds like you had a great day. And I love the flowers...and Red Lobster. And...Victorias Secret huh? Does that mean John had a good birthday too? jk.

  2. "Baby Project" <--I seriously laughed out loud. Happy Birthday!
