Saturday, October 31, 2009

the Rest of Halloween

Halloween is not my favorite holiday. The reason is simple: Neither John nor I am very creative. We never could come up with original ideas about costumes or pumpkin patterns. Besides, I don't have time to make costumes even if I do have ideas.

I'm totally fine with not going to any Halloween parties. But as an ESL teacher, I'm obligated to go for the sake of my students. They need to have a REAL Halloween experience!. So this year, we dressed up in costumes my friend Kate made a couple years ago. It was silly, but my students loved it :-) We had fun escorting them go trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. They had their fun FIRST Halloween!

And these are our pumpkins for this year~~
The characters say DEAD GHOST! In China, it is a mean nickname for the husband. We did it just because they are easy characters to carve and they are Halloweeny :-) Told ya, I'm not creative~~

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's pretty good of you guys to dress up! I would be OKAY with dressing up...but Tyson hates it with a passion...which means, I don't dress up either. We're party poopers. And I like your pumpkins.
