Saturday, February 20, 2010

The pregnancy so far

I consider myself one of the luckier women regarding pregnancy.

Starting last week, the nausea has calmed down, and that makes me SO happy!! I can actually sit on the couch without being bothered my the smell of the wall flower, the oven (except when pizza is being cooked in there), most of the food, and John's deodorant. I can actually handle raw meat and start cooking again. I feel so bad that John has to feed himself for the past several months and that means junk food mostly.

I am grateful for my cousin Megan. She basically fed me for the last couple of months. I would send her raw materials and she would cook them for me. I'm so spoiled right now having had a great personal cook for so long. She has made me less homesick. I think I might have jumped on a plane and went home if she hadn't been here!

I did have some strange cravings: green apples, grapefruits, RADISHES, nectarines, dried Chinese plums, SPAM, and fermented bean-curd. I'm just glad that most of them are healthy. The first 2 caused teeth problems for me so I had to stop. I don't know how I started the radishes craving, but OMG I would buy all the radishes at Macey's every time I go and devour them in a couple of days. The grocery guy there finally asked me whether I had a secret recipe with radishes :-) John thinks I at least tripled the radish sales at Macey's :-)
I first started eating nectarines because they were on sale at Buy Low. I remember eating 8 pounds of nectarine over one weekend- that is two days ladies and gentlemen!! Crazy! John was afraid that I was going to have a fruit instead of a baby.
I think I know why I liked the SPAM, mostly because it reminded me of these sausages I love from China. I've always loved the fermented bean-curd, but it has too much sodium in one little chunk, so I decided to stop eating them.
the Chinese sausages (just looking at them makes me want have some)

the fermented bean-curds

Food aversion
I LOVE FOOD, almost any food! So I never thought one day certain food would make me sick, especially food that used to be my favorite, namely seafood and meat! Fish used to be my favorite, but I couldn't even stand the thought of it for the past little while; same with shrimps. I never liked pizza, so it's no surprising that pizza would make me sick. I could look at the ads and throw up :-)

Energy level
At the beginning of the pregnancy, I was tired all the time. I remember coming home from work at 5, and falling asleep on the couch by 7. When I was tutoring in the lab from 3 to 5, I couldn't keep my eyes open sometimes.

Now it's a lot better. I still sleep a lot but I think that's just because I LOVE sleeping and my body is giving me a perfect excuse to sleep as much as I want :-)

Hopefully the baby continues to treat me nicely so I'll have the desire to have another one someday :-)

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