Monday, April 26, 2010

weddings and pictures

We had a great weekend. One of John's best friends Jason got married in the Logan Temple. We drove up there for the sealing and reception. It was a beautiful ceremony and we loved being in the temple again. Every sealing we go to reminds me of our own, except neither of us remembers much of our own sealing because we were both nervous :-) So it's always great to go to other people's sealing and be reminded of God's love for us.
Their beautiful reception hall.

Scottie and his wife Alexys, another of John's southern UT buddy

Another reason I love going to weddings is the pictures :-) I love taking pictures, BUT John doesn't. So he tries to ruin many of my pictures. Here are the proofs:

Despite the goofiness, I like this one because it makes me laugh every time I look at it :-)

This is probably take #5, better.

Take #10, perfect. He has such a cute smile and is so photogenic if he behaves.

Finally, the pregnant me @ week 26.


  1. Tyson hates pictures too...that's why I hardly have any photos of him...ever.

    Plus, I just thought I would tell you that I read somewhere about a study done where they actually think Asian women have an easier time in the birthing process than other women. I don't know about you, but I don't mind hearing things like that at all.

  2. "He has such a cute smile and is so photogenic if he behaves."

    Take it back!

  3. Take it back? Only if you start cooperating with picture taking from now on.

  4. Cooperating means being present in the frame in my book.

    Investing in the picture taking process would mean working towards a maximal utility in the outcome. Which if you get maximal utility in creating future fodder for your children to use against you in making their case that you are weird I'd say John's invested.

    Don't worry Sherry you'll be glad you have those Doofus pictures when John gets an Embassy assignment that you don't want to him to go on. Mail a few to his future boss and he'll get re-routed to Kannarraville.
