Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Passion for Fruit

A couple weeks ago, I made breakfast. We seldom make breakfast because John's perfectly content with his milk, graham cracker, and blueberries, and I'm perfectly fine with my honey water, hard boiled egg, and fruit. But every once in a while on the weekend, I make breakfast. John's latest favorite is my sweet potato pancakes. Considering how healthy they are, I'm more than happy to make them for him.

I have to have fruit for breakfast. So I cut up some of the fruit in my fridge and shared it with John. In the bowl, there are 1/4 watermelon, half a cantaloupe, an apple, a mango, a banana, 5-6 strawberries, a handful blackberries, and a peach.

When we sat down to eat, I realized that I eat twice as much fruit each day, at least twice. I surprised myself by how much fruit I take in everyday.

I'm afraid my baby will come out wanting watermelon juice instead of my milk :-)

Very opposite to John, I DON'T like drinking. I don't like drinking water, juice, soda, or any kind of liquid. So fruit is one of the main sources of my water intake. I just hope my baby won't come out with too sweet a tooth.

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