Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Saturday

John has to go to the boy scout POW WOW for the whole morning, and then go work on his research data on campus. So I was left alone, on a Saturday!! But I found ways to entertain myself. First, some Chinese friends came over and brought me some home-made beef jerky. It was yummy. Then my cousin came over and we made a great Chinese lunch. We also baked lemon garlic chicken and cinnamon rolls. I finally made peace with cinnamon rolls today. They turned out okay.
Then Megan and I went to the mall and had a blast. I love shopping and I've had a hard time finding a shopping partner before my cousin came over. Now I actually go shopping with someone who enjoys it. Five hours just fly by when you are having fun.
Nordstrom invited some hair-stylist to give customers free hair-dos. So I got my hair curled :-)

Man, my hair's getting long :-)
It was a great Saturday. And the good news is John also made big progress with his data :-)

1 comment:

  1. Those cinnamon rolls look way better than "okay". They look great! And also, your hair is so beautiful. :)
