Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Shanghai Express is stopping in Provo :-)

So we, mostly I, decided to blog again. We had such a hard time accessing blogspot in China that we kind of deserted it.

We came back from Shanghai on Dec 8th and took my little brother Owen (Elder Li) to the MTC on the 10th. We hung out in Provo for a couple days with the Hardings while we looked for an apartment. Then we headed down to southern UT to spend the Christmas holiday with John's parents.

Now we're back in Provo, where John goes to school and I work at the ELC. John expects to graduate next April, so until then our Shanghai Express will stay put in good old P-town.

I teach writing and grammar to students from all over the world, China, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, France... and I love it! It's a fun job and it pays well. The only thing is that it's not a full-time position so I cannot get benefits, mostly insurance. As a result, we can't have a baby...yet.

I had a full-time job lined up with a translation company in Provo. But due to the economic slowdown, they can't afford me any more. I'm still working with them part-time, hoping it'll lead to a full-time position once the economy picks up. Who knows when that'll happen. John's trying to get a job with benefits in the summer so we'll see how that goes. Keep your fingers crossed!

So that's the update for now.


  1. Hooray that you guys are blogging again! I missed reading about your adventures. I'm so glad you're back in blogland!

    I hear you on the insurance thing. It's insane how much it costs to have a baby without insurance. It makes me mad, actually. (Mostly because we have to buy our own health insurance, and a maternity plan for JUST ME costs $385/month, and I have to be on it a full year before they will cover anything!!! How ridiculous is that?!) Our healthcare system is so messed up. How expensive is it to have a baby ih China? Is it as crazy as it is here?

  2. Sheri, it depends in China. Most people without a government job or white collar job don't have insurance. It's cheap to go to the hospital for non-major illnesses. For example, I had to go there a couple times for a cold and sore throat, it cost me 10 dollars, with the doctor visit and the medicine.

    When it comes to having a baby, it gets tricky. You can have one for from $400 to $4000, depending on the kind of hospital and service you get.

    So health care is more affordable in China in general.
